Welcome to the YPAD Consultant Page
Here you will find additional guidance. You will need to agree to the terms below in order to have access to contact on of our specialists in the field you desire.
YPAD offers a paid consultation with a professional from their advisory panel. The credentials of each YPAD Advisory Panel member can be found on there page listing.
The Consultations are not considered therapy but rather an opportunity to talk with a professional in an array of areas. Consultations are not one-size fits all; therefore, what is discussed in one consultation may not be considered or deemed helpful or necessary in another. Professionals can offer support, resources and/or solutions; however, these services will be confidential.
All consultations will be confidential. To ensure confidentiality of both parties, it is understood that what is discussed during the consultation will not be posted on social media. YPAD greatly enjoys hearing how these services help individuals; however, in order to protect all parties involved they should not be discussed on social media.
All YPAD Certified Professionals are mandated reporters. Professionals also have the duty to warn. Therefore, confidentiality may be breeched if:
- abuse (physical, sexual and verbal)
- intention to harm self or others
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is discussed during the consultation. Professional will discuss this process with you, if it is deemed necessary.
The initial consultation will be paid for by YPAD. However, if you would like to continue with the professional a payment fee/schedule will be discussed between you and the professional.
- YPAD may be able provide scholarships for further consultations based on need and availability.